We’re on a mission to build a better, more sustainable world by providing digital leaders with open source solutions which help them innovate faster and remove massive toil. We believe that in order to change the world for good, we’ll benefit from having thousands of companies working at scale, not just a handful (the “hyperscalers”). We generate value by lowering the barrier to entry at the lowest layers of infrastructure, platforms, GTM and sustainability.

As the world accelerates towards an immersive digital future, a new class of companies is ready to innovate around generational trends from sustainability and AI to “as-a-service everything.”

There’s just one big problem: these companies are at a massive, structural disadvantage.

In fact, only a handful of giants (think Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta, and Apple) have invested the tens of billions of dollars necessary to move software, developer ecosystems, hardware, global supplies chains, and operations at the pace needed to truly disrupt and win.

We think that everyone else is at a huge disadvantage, primarily because they spend far too much time building plumbing or stitching legacy solutions together. What’s missing are scalable, open, foundational building blocks that developers can use (as a beautiful, globally-available and scalable service!) to:

  • activate digital infrastructure to their advantage;
  • operate dynamic, product-led experiences globally;
  • build complex, holistic customer and partner relationships;
  • scale revenue and financial systems;
  • participate in and contribute to the sustainability revolution.

We’re convinced that every important business will be digital, and needs “hyperscale” advantages to win. Even those with significant scale and advantages (think Nvidia in the generative AI revolution)

We think these critical capabilities should be integrated into beautiful and secure hosted (e.g. integrated) products, and that they should be backed by a trusted open source model.

We believe that by providing thousands of new and existing companies with these capabilities, we can unlock human potential, solve more of the world’s problems, and create important economic value.